
Chandler / Phoenix

Receive the high-quality online medical care that's at your fingertips with same-day and next-day Telemedicine appointments. 

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is an easy to use HIPPA-compliant way to receive quality medical care virtually rather than in person. The process is simple. After you request a virtual appointment, Med Royal, will send you a calendar invite with a link to a digital registration form (more information below). You complete the form, and using the link provided, meet with one of our doctors online on the date and time you specified in the invitation. 

In addition to receiving high quality health care with out coming into the office, there's another benefit: you don't have to be in the same location as your physician. 

To learn more about Telehealth, and get your connection started, click the button below or call 480-783-0708 to schedule a Free Consultation!

Benefits of scheduling a Telehealth appointment!

You can receive many of the services normally provided in the office. 


Initial Consultation 

Fast and convenient. After initial consultation we can book in-office for treatment.


Follow-up appointment

Our doctors can follow-up virtually to save you a trip into the office.


Prescription management

 We can manage your prescriptions and electronically send them to the pharmacy.


Two-way high definition video
Video conferencing provides the face to face with your doctor. 

What to expect during a Telehealth appointment?

A Telehealth appointment is much like an in-office visit - the doctor will review your medical chart and history, and then speak directly with you to evaluate them. We'll ask medical questions and may request prior records or that additional lab testing be performed.

Telehealth is great for initial consultations, follow-up visits, and prescription refills. 

How can a patient prepare for a Telehealth appointment?

Before the appointment, find a private, quiet space with good lighting. We suggest logging onto the virtual appointment link 15 minutes before the appointment. We encourage patients to make sure they know what to do if they become disconnected during the appointment. If this occurs we'll call you, so it’s important to ensure we have your correct contact information. 

What our patients are saying...